Wednesday, January 1, 2020 Gina Gardener Community Mentor

Imagine being paralyzed and having the strength and determination to come back from this, learning to walk again as an adult – twice and still achieve...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 John North Evolvepreneur

Discover The New Revolution in Community-Based eLearning and Marketing Solutions for Coaches, Consultants, Authors, Podcasters, Publishers and Masterm...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 AK 20-01 John North Publishing for the Entrepreneur

Sara Troy interviews John North from Evolve Global Publishing on An Authors Kiss show, How Publishing your own book can be a great marketing strategy...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020 Welcome to 2020 your Self Discovery

Well we are at a new year, what wonders will 2020 bring? Through all the years I have been interviewing on podcasts, one thing is for sure, we are all...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 YH19-30 Tapping with Suzanne Gundersen, Holistic Stress Relief Mentor

“Your Health is your choice” with Sara Troy and her guest Suzanne Gundersen Get Empowered with Energy Tapping Managing stress with more ease & flo...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 19-45 Allow things to Fall into place.

Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy Falling into place because we allow it, what a concept. I came back from the UK with a choice to make, and because ...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 19-36 Sara’s Pearls of Wisdom….Time Use

Time, we all live on the same clock, 60 mins in an hour, 24 hours to a day, 7 days a week 4 weeks to a month and 12 months to a year. How we use that ...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 19-32 Pearls of Wisdom…Our Words

10 Minutes of Peals of Wisdom from Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life show. Words we speak leave an impact on others, good or bad. Choosing our words f...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 19–28 Entitlement versus Gratitude

Opulence and entitlement are incredibly dangerous in the hands of those with no heart, no soul connection, and no consciousness, for as long as they h...

Thursday, December 19, 2019 Staying active and aging joyfully with Jeanette DePattie

It’s so easy as we age to sink into lower and lower levels of activity. We’re running around less. We’re caring for children less. And frankly, out...

Thursday, December 5, 2019 Christmas shows we have done.

Over the years we have brought you shows on the joy of Christmas and the Festive season. The giving, the receiving, the sharing, the caring. I have de...

Saturday, November 23, 2019 IG19-36 Tricia Dycka the Happy Empath and the 4 Aspects of being Empathic

Be Happy. Be an Empath. Love your life. Wouldn’t it feel amazing to… Know which emotions are yours, and which belong to others? Reclaim your life and ...

About The Show

Here at Self Discovery Community Media Hub, we bring you illuminating stories that change and empower lives. These stories of inspiration are an invitation to us to journey forward in our own lives, filled with wisdom from those that have gone before us. You will see the many diverse shows on many topics, but each one is foundered in a core value of self-love and meaningful purpose that serves mankind. You can hear these illuminators' podcasts across 4 sites and 15 audio platforms and on youtube. selfdiscoverymedia@gmail.com www.selfdiscoverymedia.com www.selfdiscoverycommunity.org

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