
Season 16

Saturday, September 4, 2021 C16/28b How to Un-crazy Your physical and mental barriers.

I was born with a club foot and wore corrective shoes. I survived pneumonia three times by the time that I was six years old. Growing up in Surrey, I ...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021 C16-46b “Do One Thing” to keep your passion alive with Julia Scalise

Julia Scalise, DN, PhD is a Holistic Health Practitioner and an expert in compassionately helping hundreds of clients eliminate underlying causes of h...

Friday, August 20, 2021 C16/16a Myofascial Pain Release with Ronelle Woods

What is Myofascial Pain, Fiber-Optic Fascia? How does it affect our lives? Can we do anything to help it, why is it so misunderstood? More here https...

Friday, August 20, 2021 16/22 How do we Support the Supporters ?

I believe when we support each other we grow as a whole I believe when we value each other we grow as a whole I believe when we advocate each other we...

Thursday, August 19, 2021 C16/30a Candida the Yeast that Causes” deceases.

Basic Candida-Yeast-Parasite Cleanse Candida and yeasts are part of the fungi family. Candida is part of yeasts, and candida alone has at least 40 to...

Thursday, August 19, 2021 C16/22b Speed Shrinking & Getting Unhooked with Susan Shapiro

Susan discovered Speed Shrinking by chance when she needed to find a new Shrink, she never knew just how impact-full it would be, we will take a journ...

Saturday, August 7, 2021 C16/26b “#StateWithoutStigMA” and the Ryan Fund for addicts.

Dedicated to raising money for children who have been orphaned by parents who lost their struggle with addictions, veterans who are battling those des...

Saturday, August 7, 2021 C16/22b ‘Reset Your Vibe” in living a better life.

How to Raise and Reset Your Vibration to attract Vibrant Health, Love and Money is an essential soul teaching. https://selfdiscoverymedia.com/2016/05/...

Sunday, August 1, 2021 16-41 True Colours & Elements with Sara Troy

Elements rule our lives but do we understand how and why? We are not just one element, if you tune into Debra Silvermans show you will see how element...

Thursday, July 29, 2021 TSM 16/02 The Innocence of Syrian Children REFUGEES

The children who suffer today are the leaders of tomorrow, let them know a beautiful childhood filled with joy adventure safety and love, for no child...

Monday, July 12, 2021 PVR16/28 The Miracles of Integrative Medicine

What I am proposing here is to radically shift the way we relate to health and disease, addressing the root of the problem by asking how we are educat...

Sunday, July 11, 2021 PVR16-51 Living for today to build your tomorrows, with Dr Swan & Dr Laurie

My guest are connectors, liberators, and inviters, they see life in possibilities and with enthusiasm build bridges that we can cross into a better wa...

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