Crossing Over with Dignity, Death with Dignity, Grief & Loss on Their Story Matters with Sara Troy and her guest Jay Westbrook, on-air from October 1st
Because of Jay’s deep, long, and intimate relationship with suffering, he has been able to comfortably bear witness to the suffering of the dying, to do so with a compassionate presence, and has been able to develop & cultivate tools to help people die more tenderly and their families to grieve more gently.
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Also In Season 19
RC 19-18 Are our Children Differently- Abled rather than ‘disabled’?
Susie is a retired educator who has over 18 years in education and 10 years in t -
YH19-03 Brandon Duff Impact Life Change for Men
This show is for the men and their own mental and physical needs to be healthy h -
IG19-11 Women, Take the LEAD and Shine with Betska K-Burr
For over 20 years Betska K-Burr & CLI have been in the forefront of empowering p -
HT 19-05 Making Homes & Furniture from Recycled Plastic
Today we are discussing the team Prashant has developed of 20 people in 2008 who