Sobriety has a wonderful way of bringing all things into the light, if you’re willing. Detox finally opened the door to sustained sobriety for actor Jason Umidi on January 10, 2012. Gratitude for a life that’s been redeemed and restored permeates his entire being. His sobriety requires him to live in the moment and his faith asks him to lead a life of service, loving as he has been loved.
After being clean and sober for a couple of years, Jason was looking to share his personal journey on Facebook in the hopes that someone might be encouraged by his story. This developed into a series of popular, short blog posts about addiction, recovery, and hope, known as “Today’s One Minute Reads.” Jesus & Seltzer is Jason’s curated collection of his One Minute Reads.
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Also In Season 23
GV23-32. Peter Michael Johnson, author of WHITE CLOUD FREE.
Peter discusses: Lessons learned in the Peace Corps How living abroad can fos -
C23-27. Susan Isaac Emulates your personal radiance.
This is what I do now:Imagine your essence shining so brightly that people will -
MH23-26. Jana Wilson, Wise Little One
Jana Wilson’s breakout prescriptive memoir Wise Little One: Learning to Love and -
Why can't we look graceful at any size and why is grace only represented in slen