This is a Tribute to my Mama Joanne North who made it to 95 years old. (Jan 25th) I am so proud of her making it to 95 against so many odds. She lived through the world war 2, survived being a widow way too soon in her life, survived ill health, a feeling of insecurity and survived overcoming British shyness that stopped her from being the most wonderfully talented actress of our time. She is a Mother a Grandmama and a friend and she has lived, travelled, explored and embraced life and is still very much here to tell her tales.
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Also In Season 14
P14/33b “LESSONS Crime, Games & Pain”
Every so often a book of powerful honesty comes along to jog us out of our comfo -
ISA 14/29 Dance for ALL
Inspiring South Africans with Heather de Wit and her guest Philip Boyd who was b -
14/17 Stepping Outside the “Appropriate Box”
Coach Brandi is joined by George Ira Carroll who takes us on a playful journey w -
EH 14-19 Coach Brandi Mary Dravish Parrish Parent Whisper
Families today are not just traditional families but they now include single par