I have been away looking after my 2-year-old Grandson while my daughter gave birth to another Grandson. Things went wrong, and during the c-section, the little one had his femur broken. On top of that, because he has Down syndrome, there was concern about his oxygen levels. He was in ICU for nine days while they had to discover how to feed him, as he has a full-bodied brace that holds his leg in a position for the femur to heal, but this means he can’t be bathed or held in a cradled position and we have to be so careful how we hold him.
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Also In Season 23
GV23-32. Peter Michael Johnson, author of WHITE CLOUD FREE.
Peter discusses: Lessons learned in the Peace Corps How living abroad can fos -
C23-27. Susan Isaac Emulates your personal radiance.
This is what I do now:Imagine your essence shining so brightly that people will -
MH23-26. Jana Wilson, Wise Little One
Jana Wilson’s breakout prescriptive memoir Wise Little One: Learning to Love and -
Why can't we look graceful at any size and why is grace only represented in slen